Hey! I Wanna Be a Photographer Too

I had once encouraged my learners that as young as they are, they shouldn’t be scared in trying things out (except for bad vices). I told them to develop a hobby or a skill and to enhance their talents especially during school breaks. They have to be interested at something that will add value to their younger years.

As I listened to my own litany, I figured I was self-deceiving. I was lying with myself. Hypocrite ka! Tse! I quietly remarked as I self-talked and reflected on the words that I just uttered to my class.

When I was in elementary, I always drew paper dolls and countless paper dresses for hours as individual play. Back then, I thought of taking fashion designing for a degree. I didn’t pursue it, of course. Thought it was useless when I reached high school.

I also stopped drawing altogether. I don’t remember for what reason I did but I vividly remember I used to love water colors. I  used to love lines. I used to draw Batman, Ghost Fighters, and my best friends. But, I could not find the answer why I stopped developing the skill.

It’s been two decades since and something deep inside haunts and even taunts my being. There is this burning desire to share this artist that I always believe I am. (haha!)

Seriously, I had been evading the thought of channeling out this creative side of me. There is an artist thriving within me but I suppress her continually.

So anyway, to cut this story short, I just ventured on photography. For two years, I have been documenting our school events and I have grown tired of shooting the same stage, the same performers, the same speeches, the same resource speakers.

I thought it was time to take a big leap of faith and develop some photography skills for real! Let me introduce you to HANDULAGWAY. This is my photography blog. I am shooting with a second-hand, eight-year-old NIKON D7000 DSLR.


I purposely did this because I want that in the future I could tell my class this story of evading a passion for years and going back to it like you are going back home once again… And if there is anything that sparks my learners’ creativity and interest, they MUST pursue it and pursue it with all their heart! I hope I can inspire my learners through this. (*fingers crossed)

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